I came across this article on The Knot, written by Hallie Goodman, that I thought I'd share for my fellow brides-to-be...
13 Things Not to Say to Your Bridesmaids
The worst things real brides say and how to keep them from coming out of your mouth
- I'm thinking weekend in Vegas for my bachelorette!
- My wedding, my wedding, my wedding. How are y-- wait, that reminds me of another thing... about my wedding.
- Surprise! I just picked out your (crazy-expensive) bridesmaid dress. Now all you have to do is pay for it.
- Make sure you don't look too good. I don't want you upstaging me.
- Let's all get tans/Botox/personal trainers before the wedding.
- Can you have your hair and makeup professionally done on my big day, and (cough) foot the bill?
- I need you to cover up your tattoo for the wedding, Mkay?
- Here's my wedding guest list of 100+; please invite them all to the shower you throw me.
- Next six Saturdays: wedding factory at my place. Mandatory attendance. BT-dubs.
- I know you're a double D, but I'm loving this sheer, backless bridesmaid dress.
- Only married couples can bring dates to the reception. My apologies to your boyfriend.
- I'm really disappointed in how (insert maid's name here) has been performing.
- It's MY day!
For the full article, go here. You'll have to register to get all the deets, but it's free and then you can benefit from everything The Knot offers!