Tuesday, October 18, 2011

13 things not to say to your bridesmaids

The Smurf is getting married next year! In 10.5 months, to be exact. So over the past year or so (since the engagement), I have been slightly obsessed with everything wedding-related.

I came across this article on The Knot, written by Hallie Goodman, that I thought I'd share for my fellow brides-to-be...

13 Things Not to Say to Your Bridesmaids

The worst things real brides say and how to keep them from coming out of your mouth

  1. I'm thinking weekend in Vegas for my bachelorette!

  2. My wedding, my wedding, my wedding. How are y-- wait, that reminds me of another thing... about my wedding.

  3. Surprise! I just picked out your (crazy-expensive) bridesmaid dress. Now all you have to do is pay for it.

  4. Make sure you don't look too good. I don't want you upstaging me.

  5. Let's all get tans/Botox/personal trainers before the wedding.

  6. Can you have your hair and makeup professionally done on my big day, and (cough) foot the bill?

  7. I need you to cover up your tattoo for the wedding, Mkay?

  8. Here's my wedding guest list of 100+; please invite them all to the shower you throw me.

  9. Next six Saturdays: wedding factory at my place. Mandatory attendance. BT-dubs.

  10. I know you're a double D, but I'm loving this sheer, backless bridesmaid dress.

  11. Only married couples can bring dates to the reception. My apologies to your boyfriend.

  12. I'm really disappointed in how (insert maid's name here) has been performing.

  13. It's MY day!

For the full article, go here. You'll have to register to get all the deets, but it's free and then you can benefit from everything The Knot offers!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

$99 reality check...

So per my previous post below, I decided to try out Herbal Magic with the help of my $99 Wag Jag coupon. I finally had my first consultation last Thursday where I was introduced to the full program and to my four-week program. I was given a seven-day meal plan that I am to follow religiously, as it is a 'vital part of the program' I'm told. I got the pills, a fancy key chain with my very own personal barcode that I am to scan when I come in for my weigh-ins (three time a week!). Oh, and I have to start a food journal.

I also had the pleasure of being weighed and having my body fat percentage calculated. Super. So my goal was to lose about 40 lbs... which, to be honest, I though may be much for my height. Clearly, I was wrong.

After I got measured, it turned out I shrunk! I was once told I was 5'11 and 3/4, but last Thursday I came in at 5'10.5! So back to this 40 lbs... My new 'coach' reviewed the questionnaire I filled out, consulted some charts, measured by wrist to check the size of my frame (which turned out to be small), and bumped me to 48 lbs!!! Eeeeee....

Then while standing on the scale, I had to put my palms on the metal handprints on the scale to measure my body fat percentage... This machine then sends an electric current though my body and depending how long it takes for it to go through my body, that determines the percentage... I rang in at 34.3%. Fuuuuuuuuck...

The pills are supposed to help break down my body fat and apparently I'm supposed to see results relatively quick. So we'll see... I haven't started the diet yet, I will start tomorrow after I stock up on these damn fruits and vegetables. Right now, I'll just focus on finishing my punch bowl-sized glass of red wine...