In my post here I wrote about my uncontainable excitement about going to my very first antique show! As I was shopping on a budget (aren't we all these days), I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to find anything that I loved and that fit my price range. I was right... almost.
When we got to the Christie Antique Show, I was a little but overwhelmed. There were probably about 6,000 people there, at the least. Aisles and aisles of amazing pieces as far as my eye could see. I was like a kid in a candy store. My better half was ready to shoot me after it took about 45 minutes to walk through the first aisle.
I really wanted to buy some sort of a cupboard/china cabinet that we can put in our dining room. Something to hold a plate or a mug and maybe some flowers. There wasn't one piece I didn't like and I wanted to buy everything. I kept on getting reminded that "we don't have to spend ALL the money we brought." Yeah huh... do you know who you are talking to. If spending money was an Olympic sport, I would be a gold medal holder since the tender age of probably nine. Tip for antique show goers: bring cash.
Unfortunately every piece I liked ranged from $1,500 to $4,500. A wee bit over budget. After about three hours of walking around, we stumbled into another 'booth' - I guess that's what I would call it... A stand? I dunno... Anyways, he found it. He picked it. I swear, he has a hidden interior design talent that I never knew about. It was cheap(er), big enough for the dining room, but small enough to fit in the back of his truck. It had character - and it still smells like wood!
Love, love love it!
What do you think?
That's the SOLD sign on the left door!