While it's all fun and games when it comes to advertising, but this taboo notion of the female popping the question to her male companion seems to be a more and more common occurrence.
While listening to the Mad Dog and Billie morning show a while back, I heard the duo discuss Mangagement rings, which seem to be all the new rage in Miami. Seriously??
According to Details Magazine, the mangagement ring is becoming more and more popular. "'We get maybe 20 to 25 inquiries a week from women who want to propose,' says John Cordova, an expert at California-based Robbins Brothers, which calls itself the "world's biggest engagement ring store."
There seem to be two schools of thought on this.
One - once the man proposes to his girlfriend and she accepts, she then purchases a ring for him to wear as well. I guess as a warm up to when the actual wedding ring comes, or that both parties get to sport the pre-wedding bling. Sure, this seems legit enough. If us ladies spend months, if not years, hinting of what the perfect diamond ring should look like, the least we can do is spend a few (thousand) dollars and return the favour.
Two - the lady in the relationship purchases the engagement ring and proposes marriage to her boyfriend.
No, no and no. I'm all for getting the vote, ridding the business world of the glass ceiling, I'll even give away my cleaning and cooking responsibilities to any man that will take them! But I believe the proposal should stay the way it is... you won't see me on my knee anytime soon!
One - once the man proposes to his girlfriend and she accepts, she then purchases a ring for him to wear as well. I guess as a warm up to when the actual wedding ring comes, or that both parties get to sport the pre-wedding bling. Sure, this seems legit enough. If us ladies spend months, if not years, hinting of what the perfect diamond ring should look like, the least we can do is spend a few (thousand) dollars and return the favour.
Two - the lady in the relationship purchases the engagement ring and proposes marriage to her boyfriend.
No, no and no. I'm all for getting the vote, ridding the business world of the glass ceiling, I'll even give away my cleaning and cooking responsibilities to any man that will take them! But I believe the proposal should stay the way it is... you won't see me on my knee anytime soon!
Ladies? Gentlemen? Thoughts?
What happens if it's a same-sex marriage? Coin toss or Rock, Paper, Scissors?
I definitely don't think proposing is for everyone ... I wouldn't have done it either. However, my cousin did it (proposed to her husband) and they have been married for over 10 years. He even admits that the proposal wouldn't have come anytime soon from him, however, he is happy the way it turned out.