It's day six of this South Beach diet business and I am slowly starting to question the sanity of the diet creators. The South Beach book comes complete with recipes and a meal plan for all 14 days of the first phase. As a reminder, the first phases requires the dieter to exclude sugar, carbs and fruit from their daily food intake. So the meal plans and recipes are super and actually look very delicious - if you have four hours a day to spend on cooking, steaming and shopping for rabbit food. Personally, I'd rather spend four hours a day watching HGTV or Slice, not worrying about what I can or cannot eat.
The past week has been quite an adjustment for me, as until now I have been a strict follower of an all-carb diet. Granola bar for breakfast, pizza or sandwich for lunch and cheese bread or something equally as fatty and satisfying for dinner, with an ice cold brew to wash it down. Now my diet is limited to eggs, almonds, salads, fish and chicken or turkey breast, with a hot tea sans sugar to wash it down. I am also free to enjoy water and vegetable juice.
This has been such a change that I even found myself dreaming about real food! The other night I dreamt that I was in my high school cafeteria eating chicken soup trying to convince anyone around me that would listen that noodles are actually not carbs if they are part of a soup dish. If only...
But all of this hard work has been worth it. As of yesterday around 7:00 p.m. I have lost 3 lbs! My theory is that the dramatic weight loss will come during the second week of phase one. That's my motivation.
But who are we kidding... I had a slice of pizza last night. Actually two.
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