Sunday, July 4, 2010


After accidentally stumbling upon my blog (I left the window open on the computer), my partner read it for the first time - the post on the Antique Show.

During our vacation last week, he brought it up, proudly announcing that 'he read my blog!' He commented that my writing was pretty good and I only had one grammatical mistake...

Then I was advised that some information in there was actually incorrect. He really wanted to go to the Antique Show! He had worked that morning and had been up since 4:30 a.m. so he was a bit tired, but he was really looking forward to it and I did not have to "drag him there," as previously stated in my post.

So I now write a retraction - my partner was not dragged; he excitedly kept me company.

He caught the dragged part, but did not comment on being referred to as my better half... men.

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