We've all been through this. Wake up, go to work, come home, go to bed. Only to do it all again the next day. Work is so hectic that the week feels like one extremely long day. Then it comes. The God-sent Friday. You leave the office at about six or seven in the evening, excited to start the weekend.
At work, every one wants a piece of you. So much to do, so little time, that eventually you find yourself dreaming about what you have to do the next day at the office.
Some people go to the gym to blow off steam (crazies), some people shop... Me, I like to do nothing. On a Friday night, I like to crack open a can of Steamwhistle and read through my Friday edition of the
Mississauga News.
Do I want to cook dinner? If you met me, you'd know the answer is 'no' for any other day of the week as well. But Fridays... Fridays are special. Fridays you can kick your feet up... not worry about anything. There are two mornings of sleeping in ahead of you! Is that not the best feeling ever?
On a Friday, I like to turn to another gourmet dinner option - McDonald's. There is no better feeling than taking that paper bag with your favourite combo (quarter pounder with cheese meal), putting it on the front seat of your car while you drive home. When it takes every strand of self control not to dig in and grab just one fry while you drive. The scent fills your car and your breathing slows down, allowing you to enjoy every particle of deliciousness around you. You can feel every part of your body relaxing as you take in the warmth of the deep fried meal that's so close, yet so far.
You park in your driveway, grab your McDonald's bag and head for your front door. Breaking into a subtle jog, just to get to it faster. You can feel the warmth radiating from the bag.
Finally, you sit on the couch, open the bag and see the heavenly shine of the golden arches. It's here, you're here... and you dive in. Every bite is better than the previous one. Why is it not possible for sandwiches to go on for ever?
It's that moment right there, where the whole week doesn't matter. The divine taste is so fulfilling, as if nothing else exists in the world.
And when you polish off the chocolate milkshake that completed your meal and reach for a can of that Steamwhistle, just pop your Blue Crush DVD in and an hour and a half later, you're back on the fitness train!
Picture credit: Worth1000.com